If you are looking for defensive tactics training or other tactical training, Highlands Tactical can provide you with quality training at an affordable price. We offer the following classes which are P.O.S.T. certified in Montana:
- Tactical Handgun, Tactical Carbine, and Precision Rifle
- PPCT defensive tactics
- Ground fighting
- Edged weapons
- Close protection operators course
- Active shooter
Let us know what your needs are and we can train at your location or ours.
Read the testimonials from active duty and retired law enforcement officers who have taken our classes.

Military Special Operations Units
Highlands Tactical Training Group can customize a course for your specific needs. Courses include CQB Handgun, M-4 carbine and transition training with both weapon systems, and precision rifle. Weapons training combined with a wilderness survival / horsemanship skills training program can provide an outstanding woodland / mountain training experience at an affordable cost to prepare small units for deployment to similar environments.

Doug Dryden | Lead Instructor
Doug has served as a Montana Game Warden, Sheriff’s Deputy, and Narcotics Detective as well as Director of Corporate Security for an international company and as a Tactical Security Consultant. He is an FBI trained SWAT officer who has served on local, regional, and statewide SWAT units. In addition, he has been a firearms and defensive tactics instructor for law enforcement agencies and has provided weapons training for military special operations personnel, security officers, and private citizens. As a consultant, Doug has developed tactical security programs for high risk companies in the U.S. and Europe and provided executive protection services for those same companies.
Doug is a P.O.S.T certified Master Instructor (Ret.), an NRA Law Enforcement firearms instructor, and a Montana State certified firearms instructor.

Frank Bowen | Instructor
Frank served as a U.S. Army special forces soldier for 23 years in combat and non-combat related roles. Frank has expertise in weapons, force protection, defensive tactics, threat assessments and mitigating vulnerabilities. He has also served as an instructor / advisor teaching soldiers in the United States as well as foreign countries. Frank has made presentations for the National Defense University and developed programs of instruction for countries within the Afghanistan theater and has worked dignitary protection details for VIP’s including then Vice President Dick Cheney.

Zach Vanderwall | Instructor
Zach has been a firearms instructor for Highlands Tactical Shooting Schools since 2008 and also serves as the medical officer / instructor for Highlands Tactical Training Group. Zach has been an instructor with Wilderness Medical Associates since 2005 and is an active EMT serving on Plains Ambulance Service. Zach has worked executive protection details as protector and medical officer for the team.
Zach is an NRA certified pistol instructor.

Military Personnel | Guest Instructors
Highlands Tactical Training Group is fortunate to have a cadre of active duty and retired military personnel and law enforcement officers who guest instruct for us. These fine folks often donate their time and skills to train civilians and law enforcement officers in order to help our students acquire confidence in the use of a handgun and carbine. We salute these folks for their donation of time and energy in helping Highlands Tactical provide world class firearms training for police, military, and civilians.